Services: Get the Help You Need

Make your Messaging . . . 




We needed assistance capturing, in words, the essence of our work – not an easy task – to quickly deliver proper messaging for visitors to our company website.  James’s process is very thorough, exploring the details and interviewing all the team members to get a solid understanding of our culture, approach and services.  He pulled all that together in an easy to understand language that spoke directly to our target audience.  All this with a top notch work ethic, James is truly a valued resource for today’s entrepreneurs!

Rhonda Crowe

Founder, MD Coaches

With one of these Four Packages to choose from:

#1 Super Brand Messaging Breakthrough

#2 Magical Messaging Mentorship


#4 Magical Mystery Package

Package #1 Super Brand Messaging Breakthrough!

Whether you want to start strong, are ready to grow and scale your business, or are pivoting into a new market, you’ll need this complete brand messaging package.

A website is like your business’s not-so-secret lair. It should provide an attractive, safe space for clients to find and learn about you.

But any good structure requires a firm foundation to start. That foundation is rock-solid messaging that makes visitors think you’re reading their minds.

Brand messaging sticks in your prospects’ minds giving them an instant image of who you are, how you solve their problem, and what they need to do to work with you.

This package includes …

  • A complete review of your current messaging and client-type
  • A thorough analysis of your superpower … how do we make you and your offer stand out from the crowd like the Hulk in a daycare?
  • Interviews with your best current and past clients (or interviews with those you’d love to have as clients)
  • Hours of data-mining your testimonial, questionnaires, surveys, etc., as well as curating data from multiple platforms to get a full voice-of-customer picture.
  • A complete Brand Messaging Story Report you can use to inform all of your future writings and messaging
  • 3 (or more) website pages completely rewritten with appropriate opt-ins or calls-to-action
  • A 5-email drip campaign crafted to use with all new sign-ups
  • Unlimited email support throughout
  • And a satisfaction guarantee!

Packages start at $4,795

Package #2 Magical Messaging Mentorship

As a solopreneur, you’re all for wearing many hats and aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty. Maybe you’re starting out and have more *you* time than *client* time booked, or you are busy investing in other areas of your business.

A Messaging Mentorship might be right for you. You become your own brand messaging maven, but with skilled guidance, an advocate in your corner to ensure you’re putting together messaging that works for your audience.

Together, we work through my proprietary process getting clear on …

  • Your unique brand
  • How to get your company, product, or service to stand out like Beast at a cocktail reception
  • What your raving fan clients (or the clients you’d love to have) are really thinking
  • And creating compelling home, landing, and other pages that combine all of these elements.

Packages start at $1,990

Package #3 Find your superpower 1-hour messaging review

Picard had Riker, Batman had Robin, Ben Solo had Luke (bad example). The point is even the best need a little expert perspective and help.

You have a website and you are sending visitors to it via ads, social media, SEO, or all of the above but something’s off.

You’re not getting the appointments, opt-ins, or sign-ups you thought you would. You need some super-powered vision to help you see where things need improvement.

In this package, I will …

  • Review your mission statement (if you have one)
  • Audit your home or landing page
  • Deep-dive on a 10-point page analysis
  • Review my findings on a 1-Hour Zoom Call
  • You get a copy of our call’s audio
  • And you will receive a one-page report highlighting what we discussed.

ALL THIS for $295!

Package #4 Magical Mystery Service

Don’t see the right fit above? Shoot me an email below, and ask any question you’d like. Maybe you just need one funnel, want to edit one landing page, or need copywriting for a brand new course.

Whatever you’re looking for, it never hurts to ask.

Light the Magician Beacon! (i.e. send me an email)

13 + 13 =

Words are more than mere scribbles. Carefully wrought, they have the power to inject new thoughts into the most rigid of minds.