From Humble Beginnings…
Years Experience
Published Books
Pages Written
Cups of Coffee
When I’m not masquerading as the Messaging Magician, my not-so-secret identity is James Cook. A name that’s great for someone who wants to get lost in the crowd (especially in Australia).
I’m a husband, father, aspiring coffee snob, professional online conversion expert, amateur everything else.
There are just two things I seem to get in this crazy world: words and people… in that order.
I especially get people like you — those who are on a mission to make their corner of the world better than they way they found it.
But this is really about your story…
You have a story. A story that inspired you to risk it all, take action, and make a difference.
Guess what?
I love stories! I blame the Steve’s (King and Spielberg) who hooked my curiosity at a young age. At 16 years old, young, naive, and with knees that didn’t complain, I became fascinated with what drives people to do what we do.
People are not rational. We all do curious things for the strangest reasons. Just watch a Red Bull competition if you don’t believe me.
Have you seen people say no to something they desperately need? Have you also seen them say yes to something that makes no sense to you?
Me too.
I’ve had a career that has taken — eh hem — shall we say, the more scenic route. As a result, I’ve either thought about, done, or am doing almost everything. I was trying to find the home for my wanderlust career.
I first learned copywriting over 15 years ago. It combined my love and curiosity around marketing, psychology, neurology, persuasion, and writing. What could go wrong?
The frameworks and methodologies I learned were all about getting the sale. Need to sell freezers to eskimos? I know how — through manipulation and seduction.

Gross, right??
Seriously, I was basically becoming a typing pick up artist. The prey were paying clients.
It felt icky and went against everything I valued. Honestly? I strated to think all marketing was disgusting.
Can you relate? Have you learned a tactic or approach that made your skin crawl?
Fast forward 9 years, I’m writing an article featuring an interview with a VP at a big-5 ad agency. Her story sounded like mine. She landed her dream job and quickly became jaded and quit.
But then she connected with an agency that believed in values, mission, and integrity. It sounded too good to be true, but I was intrigued. And then I reached out to a novelist friend who was an executive at another agency. She told me, “We only work with brands and companies that are honest and ethical. We have a no a-hole policy.”
Why didn’t I think of that?
But now I know. Marketing, sales, networking, persuasion are not four letter words. Well, sale is, but we’re using the plural.
Now I use my superpowers of psychology, persuasion, and conversion copywriting for good, fighting for truth, integrity, and the way America should be.

As my mentor Joanne Wiebe says, “Copywriting isn’t about making sales, it’s about creating clients.”
Using tested and proven techniques, approaches, research, and frameworks, I help the good guys get their message out to vibe with their tribe.
Is that you? Do you want to be noticed but not sell your soul to the digital marketing devil? Do you want to make an impact, scale your business, and craft websites and landing and sales pages that turn people into raving fans?
Let’s talk. Schedule a call or… go ahead and call me. If I’m not on a call or deep work session or running around the backyard with my cape, I’ll actually answer.
Why you *Shouldn’t* call me
If you want to make as much money as possible, free up time so you can sit on a beach with a Mai Tai, and don’t care what happens to your clients after the sale … don’t call me.
While money and the bottom line are important, I work only with those who care about their employees and clients at least as much as they care about the last row of their P&L.
You see, I’ve spent years mastering storytelling, persuasion and conversion tactics, and picked up other frameworks along the way. Powerful tactics that, used well, will help your prospects get over their limiting beliefs, fears, and objections to take the next step in your customer journey.
So I’m helping the world-changers, the heroes, the ones who want to leave their corner of the world better than the way they found it to create and explode their businesses and impact.
If that’s you, if you and I are aligned on this mission, then I can’t wait to see how we can work together. Book your non-sales conversation below.
An achiever at heart, I took the long path to becoming a writer and editor first pursuing careers in manufacturing, sales, property management, as well as a few side businesses. With a lifelong focus on personal growth, I finally rediscovered writing, a skill I had pursued my entire life, and made it my profession in 2016.
(Switching to third person to sound professional)
James lives with his wife and teenage daughter in Massachusetts. When not writing, coaching, or researching, he enjoys most things outdoor: hiking, kayaking, fishing, surfing, golfing, and hopes to try his hand at scuba diving and rock climbing within the next year, assuming we have no more zombie apocalypses.
Fun facts
- I’ve acted in both stage and voice-over performances
- I hate heights but push myself (see rock climbing aspiration above)
- Composed the score for a two-hour theatrical production
- I was once a low single-digit handicap golfer with professional aspirations
- I actually love home projects and have done a number of projects including installing a new heating system
- I met David Hasselhoff (or just Hoff, as his friends call him. I am not one of his friends.)
- I can juggle three objects
- I still write fiction and am working on my second novel to be completed in 2024
- I do random impressions
- I’m an amateur stand-up comedian
- And I love to sing (somewhat well). If you’re brave, you can here some recordings of me singing with people from around the world here: Smule